While Adobe Reader is common for reading PDF the popular (and powerful) file format for sharing files over the Internet, it is not the only one. After every version it slowed down my system, got slower and started taking up alot of resources. Instead of wasting time in looking at ways to speed up the reader, I took into my own hands to find alternatives. Here's what I found: Sumatra PDF - A open source PDF viewer of a minimilistic design. It is very lightweight and loads up very fast. The bonus is that it has been designed for portable use. Foxit Reader - A free PDF viewer and printer also of a small size. It can convert a PDF to a text file. It also starts up quite fast. Cool PDF Reader - Going by its name, it attempts to be a cool way to view and print PDFs. It can convert Convert PDF files to BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, EPS. PDFescape - A free online tool that can act as your PDF reader, editor, form filler and form designer PDF Hammer - Another online tool that all...
Gadgets, programming tidbits or even the bits of technology that makes you gleam with psychotic, yet nerdy laughter. Well... I'll try.