Yeah. I'm not gonna leave you alone about this. I want to drive another point to you about social networking. After chatting to a few "savvy" Facebook users, I can't help but notice how much they don't realise that the social network has grown. Looking back in time, in 2012 Facebook announced they had a billion monthly active users. Fast forward to August 2015, they broke news that a billion people visited Facebook on a particular Monday. Then in September it was announced that the service averages over 1 billion users per day. While that paints a nice pretty picture there's more to it than posting onto your Facebook wall. They have made some pretty big and newsworthy acquisitions like WhatsApp , Oculus VR and Instagram . See where I'm going? It gets so addictive to make "friends" online. They may not be real friends you see and share life with everyday, but just someone you choose to bloat to about something. Sorry if I come across rud...
Gadgets, programming tidbits or even the bits of technology that makes you gleam with psychotic, yet nerdy laughter. Well... I'll try.